For the Good Executive Director Kayce Anderson and Maasai Programs Manager Josephat Mashati, in crimson shuka, meet with school administrators and teachers in Entasekera.
Local leaders represent a huge window of opportunity to create and amplify social change. As individuals respected by and already in contact with large segments of the community, they are uniquely positioned to introduce new ideas, galvanize others and guide new ideas and programs sustainably into the future. We believe that amplifying their unique roles in communities is key to creating change that is lasting.
Our staff in Loita identifies chiefs, teachers and other leaders from schools, churches, and other organizations and then reaches out to them to identify shared goals and interests in community development and education. We listen to their insights and perceptions, and, together, create solutions to share new information about the value of formal education, especially for girls, to community.
Our Team Angaza program is another way we activate local leadership by empowering a new generation of young people with knowledge and skills to help guide their communities through rapidly changing social and ecological landscapes.