We currently focus our work in a remote region of southern Kenya. Click on any yellow dot to learn more about the different schools and communities where we work; larger dots denote secondary school locations. Click again on the name of the school in green in the pop up window to learn more!
Our community outreach and primary school enrollment programs began in 2019 in six different school catchment regions. We now partner with 43 different primary schools and ECDs across the Loita and Naikarra regions to ensure hundreds more children begin the first step of their education. As of September, 2024, we have enrolled nearly 2000 children into schools.
When we opened our 1st day secondary school with the village of Morijo in 2020, only one other day school existed across the 650-square-mile Loita Hills. In 2021, we opened a 2nd school in Olmesutie. In 2022, we opened schools in Enairebuk/Olorte and Mausa. Early in 2023, we began work to open a 5th school in the key central market village of Entasekera and also expanded beyond the border of the Loita Hills to the community of Esoit in the bordering Naikarra region. In 2024, we started fundraising for a new school in Leshuta and celebrated the completion of the first two classrooms just nine months later. Read about the life-changing impact these schools have had on the lives of Nashipae and Sianoi, two young girls in region.
We kept 375 students from 17 schools – Morijo, Olorte, Esiot-Empurputia, Entasekara, Naroosura, Mara Iretet. Enairebuk, Naapolosa, Itumaro, Osinantei, Olpusare, Olmesutie, Nkosesia, Maasai Academy, Morloo ole Kasale and Mausa - connected to education during 2020 COVID-school closures via an innovative remote learning program. A pilot to make this program permanent continues at Olmesutie today.