The Spark is a passionate and committed group of monthly givers on a mission to ensure that girls around the world have access to education. Monthly giving is invaluable because it:
• Greatly improves our long-range planning capacity:
Recurring donations allow us to model out projected revenue with a higher degree of accuracy. This makes it easier to commit to hiring a new staff member or piloting a critical new program, significantly increasing our impact on the ground.
•Provides a buffer during times of uncertainty or emergency, such as during a disaster or pandemic.
• Helps create a predictable revenue stream:
Like all nonprofits, we typically receive the bulk of our revenue during end-of-year giving – but our programs and operations run all year long. Recurring donations ensure our programs remain sustainable.
Recurring donations spread the financial impact of your giving across the entire year. Donating $15-$50/month may seem like a small deduction from your bank account, but adds up to support that can have a powerful impact on the ground in Kenya.
Please consider a recurring gift this year.
Photo: Najma studying at home by candlelight. ©Ami Vitale, 2021