Jackline will be serving as our Team Angaza intern for Mausa Primary School. Mausa is a remote community just above the Tanzanian border accessible only by foot, motobike, or land rover due to the very rough 4WD road and two-tracks required to travel to the community. The primary school at Mausa was burned down several years ago by a neighboring village in Tanzania and the community, which is determined and cohesive, has been slowly building it back ever since.

Jacklyne graduated from Olorte Primary School followed by a boarding secondary school in Bomet County. She is a quietly powerful advocate for girls in her community, and was present at our very first community meeting in Mausa back in 2019. She is hopeful as she observes girls’ health improving in her community with the reduction of FGM/FGC as well as their opportunities increasing due to the increasing support of parents who encourage their education.